Forehead Lift: Frequently Asked Questions
A forehead lift, also called browlift, is surgical resuspension of the forehead to treat droopy eyebrows, deep wrinkles (furrows), loose skin, and hooded upper eyelids. It is often combined with cosmetic blepharoplasty, droopy eyelid surgery (ptosis repair), or facelifting to balance facial proportions and create a natural result.
Am I a good candidate for a surgical Forehead Lift?
If you suffer from upper eyelid heaviness, hooded eyelids, sagging eyebrows that make the eyes look tired or sad, loose forehead skin, or deep wrinkles and frown lines around the eyes, then a forehead lift is an excellent option which can help improve vision and cosmesis.
How is a Forehead Lift performed?
The goal of a forehead lift is to resuspend the skin and muscle of the forehead in a vertically higher position on the face. This resuspension also pulls the eyebrows and hooded upper eyelid skin upwards at the same time. The main difference between the various surgical options available is where the skin incision is placed. In some cases, the “frowning” muscles around the eyes are surgically weakened at the same time. The goal is to create a flat forehead topography with eyebrows that rest along the upper orbital bone with absent eyelid hooding. The lift can be performed endoscopically (no skin incision) or by removing some forehead skin and muscle near the hairline. The skin and muscle can also be removed by making an incision in the middle of the forehead or just above the eyebrows.
Are there any non-surgical options for a Forehead Lift?
The forehead can also be lifted using botulinum toxin (Botox, Xeomin, Dysport), laser skin resurfacing, hyaluronic acid filler injection (e.g. Restylane, Juvederm), or radiofrequency tightening in suitable candidates and results can last for 3-18 months.
How long is the recovery for a surgical Forehead Lift?
After surgery, there is typically numbness or itchiness of the scalp in certain areas which gradually diminishes over time. There is redness, bruising, and swelling around the operative site which can last for 2 weeks.
What is the cost of a surgical Forehead Lift?
The cost ranges between $3,000 and $8,000 depending upon the surgical approach required, patient factors, adjunct procedures, and surgeon expertise.