Blepharoplasty: Frequently Asked Questions
Blepharoplasty is the name of the surgical procedure to remove excess eyelid skin and or fat to improve vision, improve eye aesthetics, or both. “Upper blepharoplasty” refers to surgical manipulation of the upper eyelids while “lower blepharoplasty” refers to surgical manipulation of the lower eyelids. The term blepharoplasty is also sometimes used to describe droopy eyelid surgery, although it’s more accurate to refer to the latter as “ptosis surgery”.
How do I know if I need Blepharoplasty?
If you are experiencing heaviness of the upper eyelids that is blocking vision or makes your eyelids look aged, tired, or sad then upper blepharoplasty is an excellent option. This procedure is often combined with adjunct procedures such as droopy eyelid surgery (ptosis repair), lateral canthal tightening, lacrimal gland repositioning, laser eyelid surgery, or forehead/brow lifting to achieve the most natural and effective results. If you have lower eyelid bags (prominent fat pads), dark circles, prominent tear troughs, excessive skin, or deep wrinkles around the eyes then lower blepharoplasty is an excellent option.
What is the difference between Blepharoplasty and Droopy Eyelid Surgery?
When the upper eyelids look and feel heavy, this can be due to excessive and redundant upper eyelid skin or because of “true ptosis” (eyelid drooping) secondary to a weak muscle or loose tendon. Ptosis repair can be done without making any visible skin incision (i.e. transconjunctival approach) or through a small anterior skin incision. No eyelid skin or fat is removed during ptosis repair. Many patients with heavy upper eyelids undergo combination blepharoplasty and ptosis repair for the best results.
Is Blepharoplasty covered by OHIP / Insurance?
Ptosis repair is always covered by OHIP but upper blepharoplasty is only covered if the excessive skin blocks the centre of vision. The Ministry of Health in Ontario requires a formal application for pre-approval of upper blepharoplasty and a specialized field of vision test must be submitted with the application. Lower blepharoplasty is not covered by OHIP but occasionally some insurance plans will provide partial coverage.
What are the risks of Blepharoplasty?
Blepharoplasty, like any eyelid surgery, inherently carries the risk of potential trauma to your eyes and vision. At EFI, our team of eye and face plastic surgeons has advanced training in eyelid surgery. We perform a high volume of blepharoplasty cases, so have developed skill set mastery in this area. Other risks include under-treatment or over-treatment as well as potential scarring and eyelid asymmetry. Once again, these types of risks are mitigated if the surgeon has advanced training with high-volume clinical experience.
How long is recovery for Blepharoplasty?
The first 3 days after eyelid surgery will involve regular icing over the operated area to decrease inflammation. We also recommend no heavy lifting or physical exertion (i.e. working out) for the first 7 days. By the end of the 2nd post-operative week, the bruising and swelling has typically decreased by 80-90%. The final 5-10% of healing can take up to 3-6 months. Certainly, the case complexity and patient medical history will impact the recovery period.